Simone Clark
PO Box 465, Rosebud VIC 3939
Phone (03) 5985 7776 (Rye clinic)
Jane Hughes
PO Box 465, Rosebud VIC 3939
Phone (03) 5985 7776 (Rye clinic)
Scroll Down to See All Clinic Appointment Availabilities
All practitioners consult independently, therefore fees may differ between practitioners. Please note that practitioners are private billing and non attendance fees may apply at the practitioners discretion.
DoctorDoctor locum service is available outside of clinic hours for face to face or telehealth appointments (depending on location). They can be reached directly on 13 26 60
South Coast Medical RYE
South Coast Medical CAPEL SOUND
Quick Consults should not be used in lieu of standard appointment. Face to face is always the preferred method of treatment.
South Coast Medical DROMANA
South Coast Medical BLAIRGOWRIE
Some of the practitioners consulting from South Coast Medical offer 'Quick Consults' for existing patients to request repeat prescriptions, repeat referrals, repeat pathology and medical certificates.
The quick consults are a cost of $30 and there is no Medicare rebate attributable.
To book a quick consult and review the full terms and conditions please click the link below. You are always encouraged to try and visit your regular GP for these items. Please note that Quick Consults do not have a guaranteed return time, for urgent requests please contact the clinic directly.